Wet Aging Steaks at Home: A Guide for Steak Lovers

Hey there, fellow steak enthusiast!

If you're anything like us at Capital Farms, you're always on the hunt for ways to make your steak experience even more amazing. Today, let's talk about something that can elevate your steak game to the next level: wet aging. It's a technique that can make your steak more tender and flavorful, and the best part? You can do it right at home.

What is Wet Aging?

Wet aging is a process where meat is aged in a vacuum-sealed package, allowing it to tenderize and develop deeper flavors. This is different from dry aging, which involves leaving the meat exposed to air in a controlled environment. Wet aging is generally easier to do at home because it doesn't require any special equipment beyond a fridge and some vacuum-sealed steaks.

Why Wet Age?

Wet aging offers several benefits:

Tenderness: The enzymes in the meat break down the muscle fibers, making the steak more tender.

Flavor: While not as intense as dry-aged meat, wet-aged steak develops a richer, more nuanced flavor.

Convenience: It’s simpler and less space-consuming than dry aging.

What You'll Need

1. Packaged CF Steaks: Essential due to the airtight environment needed for aging.

2. Refrigerator: A dedicated fridge is ideal, but your regular fridge will do if you can manage the space.

The Wet Aging Process

Selection: Start with high-quality, vacuum seal packaged steaks. The fresher, the better, as this will impact the end result.

Refrigeration: Place the sealed steaks in your refrigerator. The ideal temperature for aging is just above freezing, around 34-38°F (1-3°C). Make sure the steaks are not stacked to ensure even aging.

Patience: This is the hard part. Wet aging typically takes between 14 and 28 days. The longer you age, the more tender the meat will become. However, most people find that 21 days strikes the perfect balance between tenderness and flavor.

Tips for Success

Check Your Fridge: Ensure your fridge maintains a consistent temperature. Fluctuations can affect the aging process.

Avoid Cross-Contamination: Keep your aging steaks away from other foods to prevent any potential cross-contamination.

Label Your Bags: Clearly mark the date when you started aging. This helps you keep track of how long each steak has been aging.

Cooking Your Wet-Aged Steaks

Once your steaks have aged to perfection, it's time to cook them up. Here's a quick method to ensure you get the best results:

1. Bring to Room Temperature: Take your steak out of the fridge about an hour before cooking.

2. Season Generously: A good steak deserves simple seasoning. Salt and pepper will do just fine.

3. Sear: Heat a heavy skillet (cast iron works great) until it's smoking hot. Sear the steak for 2-3 minutes on each side.

4. Finish in the Oven: Transfer the skillet to a preheated oven (400°F/200°C) and cook until it reaches your desired level of doneness. Use a meat thermometer for accuracy.

Rare: 120°–125°
Medium Rare: 130°–135°
Medium: 140°–145°
Medium Well: 150°–155°'
Well Done: 160°–165°

5. Rest: Let the steak rest for about 5 minutes before slicing. This helps the juices redistribute, making for a juicier bite.


Wet aging is a fantastic way to enhance the tenderness and flavor of your steaks, and it's surprisingly easy to do at home. With a bit of patience and the right techniques, you'll be enjoying restaurant-quality steaks in the comfort of your own kitchen. So go ahead, give wet aging a try, and get ready to savor the difference!

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